change your clothes, change your life
Color Analysis

The right colors can smooth lines, diminish blemishes, make you look younger and more radiant. The wrong colors ... not so much! Let me show you which is which. In addition, my unique approach identifies color families which consistently flatter you and those you would do well to avoid. And we discuss the psychology of the colors that would work best for your job and your life.

Color Analysis - Customized Palette - $450
  • Over 250 colors analyzed
  • Customized color palette
  • One hour and 45 minute session

Color Analysis - Individualized Palette - $350
  • One hour session
  • Personalized color palette

Style Analysis

Choosing among the myriad of clothes styles in stores, magazines and on TV - not to mention in our closets - can be daunting. What looks good on me? What should I wear? Is this color hot or not? Is it "me"? Has this style expired?

With this consultation, a vision for you, your clothes and your closet begins, created not only from the demands of your life and your work but from your dreams as well. It will be an image you can live with, aspire to and organize your closet - and life - around. One hour session.

Style Analysis: $350

Color Analysis + Style Analysis Package: $750

contact us:


718 984 wing

718 984 9464718 984 9464

Beryl Wing - The Image Authority
718 984 WING
(718 984 9464718 984 9464)
347 782 9739347 782 9739 - cell
208 485 0525 – fax
Personal and Corporate Branding through Clothes and Nonverbal Communication