What is an Image Strategist?

An Image Strategist is an Image Consultant with the added component of strategy. The world of clothes has three distinct disciplines: fashion and fashion stylists, Image Consultants and Image Strategists.

The loyalty of fashion - designers, manufacturers, stylists and the fashion media - is to the garment. They create fabulous looks that excite us ... whether they're right for us or not.

Image Consultants, after careful analysis, help clients choose garments that accentuate, balance and camouflage assets and flaws with the goal of making them attractive.

So what's not to like, you might ask.

In my experience, beauty and attractiveness are not always enough to guarantee success. More is needed: a knowledge of the culture one is working in, a strategy to navigate that culture and a clear understanding of one's goals.

That is my commitment. I want to help.


contact us: info@theimageauthority.com


718 984 wing

718 984 9464


Beryl Wing - The Image Authority
718 984 WING
(718 984 9464)
347 782 9739 - cell
208 485 0525 – fax

Personal and Corporate Branding through Clothes and Nonverbal Communication